(212) 269-6600
The prosthetic is custom shaped to the socket and potentially adjusted to enhance symmetry of the facial structures. The prosthetic is made of an acrylic plastic. It is created by making a series of positive and negative molds of the space within you socket. The prosthetic is then hand painted to match your remaining eye. It is carefully polished before being dispensed.
The ocular prosthetic can last as long as ten to fifteen years but is typically replaced every five years. Changes to the socket often occur making adjustments necessary. These changes can often be subtle and occur over time which is why it is important to see the ocularist at least once a year.
The prosthetic eye should remain in the socket unless instructed otherwise. This is usually the case with eyes that are living and remain sensitive. In these cases the eye is usually taken out before sleeping.
If the eye must be removed for reasons of cleaning or irritation make sure to wash the eye thoroughly before reinserting it. It should be handles with care and professionally polished once to twice a year.